2.0.5 is out! This update brings you two new helicopters, a completely new workbench environment and various changes to the interface.

During the development of 2.0.5, we’ve also been heavily working towards a Mac build, which is the reason that this is not as big of an update as usually. Stay tuned for that one!


New Models:
-Synergy 766
-Synergy 516

New Components:
-Rail 80.6
-Rail 516
-Rail 766
-Rail 806
-RotorTech 760
-RotorTech 810

-Workbench environment completely reimagined
-Moved HUD key to ‘Q’
-RPM 1/2/3 now selectable through the 1, 2 and 3 keys if unassigned in Functions menu
-New “Help” section with all keybinds and support info
-Press “Shift+3” to hide and unhide the Workbench menu

Transmitter config:
-Improved, more tolerant calibration code