RotorTech 610 Ultimate for AccuRC 2.0.11
We aren’t quite done with version 2.0.11 yet, so we’ll be adding a new rotor blade- the latest and greatest 600 size blade to hit the market, the RotorTech 610 Ultimate!
Fun-Key’s RT-610U was designed to provide high lift and fast cyclic at an extremely late stalling point, while maintaining high efficiency and good stability. It was designed from the ground up for the needs and operating conditions of today’s 600 size helis, making it the highest performance 600 blade on the market.
Using all rotor blade data established in the design phase of this blade, down to the actual airfoil, the RT-610U in the sim flies just like the real life counterpart- which we have flown for more than a hundred flights by now.
We’re sure the RT-610U will also excellently compliment our final helicopter for 2.0.11, stay tuned for some hot news in the next days!